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Department of Human Resources

K12, DTCC & DSU Employees

Important: Your benefits may be different from what is presented on this page. Please refer to the Resource Document for Education Employees  or contact your Human Resource/Benefits Office for information regarding your benefits and premiums (rates).

Condition Prevention & Management Resources

Benefits Administered by Statewide Benefits

State Benefits NOT Administered by SBO

The Office of Pensions, a division within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), maintains comprehensive and responsive systems for benefits and funds management which helps retain a quality workforce and provides a secure and supportive retirement commitment. Contact the Office of Pensions by email or call 1-800-722-7300 or 302-739-4208 with questions.

The Insurance Coverage Office (ICO), a division within the Department of Human Resources (DHR), is responsible for managing the insurance program for State vehicles, buildings and property and workers’ compensation, as well as reviewing state facilities for safety issues and providing safety programs to state employees. Contact ICO by email or call 1-877-277-4185 or 302-739-3651 with questions.

The Office of the State Treasurer (OST) administers “DEFER” which is a voluntary retirement program that works like a private sector 401(k) plan and is managed by Voya Financial. Participation in the deferred compensation plan helps State employees save for retirement alongside Social Security, pension, and personal savings. Contact OST by email or call 302-672-6733 with questions.
