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Department of Human Resources

2025 Open Enrollment Course - Participating Groups


  1. Navigate through the course by reading the information. This course is compatible with screen reader software. This course does not bookmark and should be completed in a single viewing. If you must leave the course, you can scroll through the pages that you have already viewed to reach the content you haven't seen.

  2. Use either Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge to complete the course – DO NOT use Internet Explorer.

  3. If you experience issues with being able to view the online course, try turning off your pop-up blocker.

  4. You MUST complete the survey at the end of the course to document your completion.

Access the 2025 Open Enrollment Guide online course (approximately 20 minutes in length).

This course will prepare you for Open Enrollment by covering the changes that will occur during the new plan year, guiding you through your benefit options, and reviewing the steps that you need to complete in May during Open Enrollment.

The online course is being offered to you as a convenient source of information about:

  • Your benefits for the plan year that begins July 1, 2025, including changes; and

  • How to actively participate in the 2025 Open Enrollment.

Additional Online Courses
