Diabetes Resources
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes puts people at risk for nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, foot and limb injuries, vision problems, and other complications that arise from having uncontrolled blood sugar. Diabetes also raises a person’s risk of having severe symptoms and complications from COVID-19. The good news is that prediabetes and diabetes are treatable.

Diabetes prevention and management is an important area of focus for the State of Delaware. Prolonged levels of high blood sugar can cause serious damage to organ systems and can be life threatening. The good news is type 1 and type 2 diabetes are treatable. For individuals with prediabetes, lifestyle changes can help them reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Learn about the services available through your benefits and take advantage of all the resources designed to help keep you healthy. View the Diabetes Resources flyer.
The Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program is available to eligible members under your Medicare Part B Coverage. This a 12 month no-cost health behavior change program that can help you prevent type 2 diabetes.
Contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) for additional program information.
Coverage for the following Diabetes services are included in the Highmark Delaware Special Medicfill plan in coordination with Medicare:
Diabetes Screenings: Medicare covers 100% of the allowed charges with no deductible for up to two diabetes screenings per year.
Diabetes Self-Management Training: Medicare covers 80% of the allowed charged after the Medicare Part B deductible pursuant to your doctor’s written order. The Special Medicfill plan covers the Medicare Part B deductible and 20% of the allowed charges.
Diabetes Equipment & Supplies: Medicare covers 80% of the allowed charges after the Medicare Part B deductible. The Special Medicfill plan covers the Medicare Part B deductible and 20% of the allowed charged.
The State of Delaware provides cost savings to members filling eligible diabetic supplies and medications under their Medicare Part D Prescription Plan.
Diabetic Supplies: Diabetic supplies such as lancets, syringes/needles, and test strips provided, either at a participating retail pharmacy, a 90-day participating retail pharmacy, or CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy may be obtained under the prescription plan at no cost to the member. Supplies do not need to be ordered at the same time as medications to take advantage of the $0 copay.
Diabetic supplies designated as Durable Medical Equipment (DME) are not covered under the prescription plan. These include Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems (e.g. Free Style Libre and Dexcom), Insulin Pumps and Supplies. Members should contact Highmark Delaware to discuss coverage options for these supplies.
Diabetic Medications: Multiple diabetic medications may be obtained for just one copay when filled at the same time at a 90-day participating pharmacy or the CVS Caremark® Mail Service Pharmacy, when eligible. To ensure the greatest savings, make sure to ask the pharmacy to process all diabetic medications on the same day and submit the lowest cost generic medication first.
It is the member’s responsibility to work with their healthcare provider and pharmacist to coordinate the prescriptions to be processed on the same day.
Transform Diabetes Care®: Eligible State of Delaware Medicare Plan members with Prescription Coverage through SilverScript, will have access to the enhanced Transform Diabetes Care® (TDC) program from CVS Caremark®.
Transform Diabetes Care provides a holistic way to manage your diabetes and overall health. In addition to glucose monitoring, TDC uses health information you share to provide personalized health coaching based on your specific needs. You’ll have access to trusted advice on nutrition and lifestyle habits as well as reminders about screenings and more.
The best part? It’s all available to you at no extra cost!
Contact the Transform Diabetes Care Hotline at 1-800-348-5238 for additional program information.
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