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Department of Human Resources

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) - ASIFlex

Enroll or Make Changes

New Employee Enrollment

Benefit eligible employees are eligible to begin FSA coverage effective on the first of the month following the date of hire.

Eligible employees interested in participating should complete the FSA Enrollment Agreement .

Completed enrollment forms must be submitted within 30 days of the employee’s hire date to ensure timely enrollment. If you fail to enroll within the time period described above, then you may not elect to participate in the Plan until the next FSA Open Enrollment Period or until a qualifying event occurs that would allow a mid-year election change.

Enrollment During Benefits Open Enrollment

The 2025 Benefits Open Enrollment Period is May 1-16, 2025 for the New Plan Year July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026. Employees can enroll in FSA during Open Enrollment by accessing Employee Self-Service through my.delaware.gov. Navigation for enrollment: Benefits > Benefits Websites > ASIFlex Enrollment.

Enrollment During the Plan Year

You may enroll or make coverage changes during the plan year ONLY if you experience a qualifying event. Qualifying events include, but may not be limited to:

  • Marriage or Divorce
  • Change in employment status (that affects eligibility for health insurance)
  • Birth or adoption
  • Change in Medicare Eligibility
  • Death
  • Change Dependent Care Providers/Cost Change

Eligible employees who experience a qualifying event should complete the *FSA Election Change Form .

It is the employee's responsibility to file an election change request within 30 days of the date of the qualifying event with the Statewide Benefits Office. Requests received after 30 days from the qualifying event will not be approved.

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