iLEAD Delaware Leadership Program
for State of Delaware government employees.
The iLEAD program is a series of four leadership development curriculums:
Leadership Essentials
Leadership Essentials is the perfect starting point for statewide employees new to leadership and those looking to advance into leadership roles. Employees can access the self-paced online training remotely both in and out of the state network. Leadership Essentials features 44 courses that range from 10 - 115 minutes in length and include in-depth training on:
- Building and Leading Teams
- Coaching and Developing
- Communicating with Impact
- Creating Clarity and Focus
- Developing Employees
- Driving Performance
- Motivating and Engaging Others
- Self-Awareness
- Understanding Others
- Workplace Environment
Completion of Leadership Essentials is a prerequisite for other training in this program.
Available now, State of Delaware employees may launch Leadership Essentials by logging into the Delaware Learning Center.
Frontline Leadership
Frontline Leadership is part of the iLEAD State of Delaware Leadership Program. It is available to merit and casual-seasonal State of Delaware employees who are current or aspiring first-level supervisors looking to improve their leadership skills.
This program focuses on meeting the challenges faced by frontline leaders in the day-to-day supervision of a team, including communication, decision-making, managing conflict, and managing employee performance. Courses include online and instructor-led training (virtual or in-person).
The Frontline Leadership Program serves to:
- Improve performance of participants, agencies, and state government.
- Support succession planning.
- Assist in the areas of professional development and self-improvement.
Completion of the program will satisfy Knowledge of Staff Supervision requirements needed for selection and promotional opportunities in supervisor positions as they arise.
Program Requirements
Frontline Leadership participants must successfully:
- Attend required training courses.
- Complete Course Summary Assessments within 30 days of attending each training course.
- Complete a Case Study Exercise - completed after all required training and course summary assessments have been done.
- Write a Final Report - completed after the case study exercise has been approved.
- Participate in a Program Symposium - completed after the final report has been approved
Program Qualifications and Eligibility
Program participants must be State of Delaware employees with access to the Delaware Learning Center (DLC) and CyberU courses. This includes employees in merit-comparable positions and employees who work for elected offices (e.g., Treasurer’s Office, Department of Insurance...).
Contractual workers, temps, unpaid interns, and volunteers are not eligible as well as Solid Waste Authority, Conservation District, higher education, school district and charter school employees.
All applicants must have earned a “Meets Expectations” rating, or better, on their most recent annual review to be considered for acceptance into the program.
Applications must include Supervisor and Director (or division head) approval
Frontline Leadership Applications are accepted during our open enrollment period, June 1 – 30.
Send completed applications, with approval section filled out, to: statewide_training@delaware.gov. Please begin your email subject line with “FL - Application” to ensure your email is routed to the proper destination.
Related Documents
- Frontline Leadership Program Expectations
- Frontline Leadership Frequently Asked Questions
- Frontline Leadership Program Model
- Frontline Leadership Application
Project and Process Leadership
Project and Process Leadership is for those in leadership positions who are responsible for managing programs, improving processes, and facilitating change in their organizations. This program combines the Continuous Process Improvement Practitioners Certificate Program with quality improvement training centered on people with a focus on engaging and influencing others.
Application for enrollment coming soon.
Organizational Leadership
Organizational Leadership is for managers and those responsible for setting strategic goals and agency vision, developing, and implementing plans and policies, and ensuring organizational agility. Topics include problem solving, strategic planning, managing organizational risk, establishing best practices, and increasing productivity through employee and stakeholder engagement.
Application for enrollment coming soon. Applicants must have at least five years of experience managing staff.

Related Documents
Contact Information:
Statewide Training