Blue Collar Training Program for State of Delaware Employees
Training Funds for Executive Branch Agencies
The Department of Human Resources' Division of Training and HR Solutions administers the Blue Collar Training Program (BCTP) to fund Executive Branch agencies’ training programs. To be considered for funding, an agency’s proposed training must specifically address the development of marketable skills and promotional potential of employees in pay grades 1-12.
Blue Collar Training Program Training courses that have been approved for BCTP funding are managed using the Delaware Learning Center (DLC), which will track the registration, attendance, and course completions of each participant. Examples of courses supported by the BCTP are communications, computer, license exam training for electricians and other trades, leadership, mentoring programs, office administration and management, safety, and other classes that support employee development.
Agencies can demonstrate their commitment to this program by noting in their proposals how they will assist with the costs associated with the training (i.e. testing, training materials, or providing space/facilities) and identifying ways employees can apply the knowledge they have gained from the training.
Agency training sponsors are required to:
- Demonstrate a need for the training and how it supports the department’s strategic priorities,
- Submit completed forms within the established timeline,
- Verify that vendor information is in First State Financials (FSF),
- Submit invoices and other training management documents, such as attendance rosters, DLC event, and session development forms to the BCTP Administrator as required by the Funding Agreement, and
- Ensure that all approved training is completed by June 15th of the FY for which the funds are granted.
Selection of Training Courses
Requests for training proposals are solicited annually in June. Proposals are accepted by the BCTP Administrator from July 15th through August 15th.
Proposals are presented to the Blue Collar Worker Review Committee for prioritization, selection, and approval. Funding preference is given to training programs that can be leveraged across multiple agencies. Agencies will be notified if their proposals are approved in full or in part and will be required to attend the Blue Collar Fund Acceptance Meeting.
Interested agencies shall submit all Training Proposal forms, agency endorsements, and supporting documentation, to Kit Carson, BCTP Administrator, via email to statewide_training@delaware.gov. When sending an email, please begin the subject line with “BCTP” to ensure that the message is routed to the proper location.
Forms & Instruction Guide for Training Sponsors
- Training Proposal Instruction Guide
- Training Proposal Form
- Request to Create Funded Event Instruction Guide
- Request to Create Funded Event Form
- Request to Create Funded Session Instruction Guide
- Request to Create Funded Session Form
Program Reference Materials
Delaware Resident Resources

While the Blue Collar Training Program is not able to assist those that are not Executive Branch employees, the Department of Labor offers additional resources that may be an option for you. Please explore the links provided under the Training Resources section below.
Training. Classes provided to residents of Delaware are managed by the Delaware Department of Labor. The Division of Employment & Training (DET) operates a statewide labor exchange system serving both employers and job seekers. DET administers 15 federal and state funded employment and training programs.
Workforce Investment Board. The Workforce Development Board awards Blue Collar Funds to a variety of vendors in Delaware. Please contact any program directly to determine eligibility, as some are only for those who are unemployed, “under-employed,” or have other restrictions.
Training Resources
- Career One Stop program
- Division of Employment and Training Information
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Delaware Workforce Development Board
Delaware Technical and Community College contacts:
- George Campus (Wilmington) - (302) 434-5572
- Innovation & Technology Center (New Castle) - (302) 266-3300
- Owens Campus (Georgetown) - (302) 259-6375
- Stanton Campus (Newark) - (302) 453-3011
- Terry Campus (Dover) - (302) 857-1400
Contact Information:
Kit Carson
Blue Collar Training Program Administrator
(302) 739-1990